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I-Nvest In Yours

  • 2 dny
  • 28 úkolů
Získejte dokončením programu certifikát.
Každý, kdo dokončil všechny úkoly programu, obdrží odznak.

O nás

Learning the LEGAL requirements to establish your Unique business by correcting yourself in this Matrix. You will re-gain ownership over your Land Title (physical temple tied to Official Certificate of Live Birth, or the equivalent). +For you to reclaim YOUR estate from The STATE. *You will begin attaining the Sui Juris status upon completion of this process* What is the investment amount? +You need a minimum of $100.00 USD in order to update and correct your status (in the Gregorian Calendar system under the Vatican/ Roman Empire), separate your public and private, absolutely and exclusively own your living land (you). +You need to have faith, trust, and remember that the True God is always involved. +This is self-pace driven and can be done in a 2-day, 4-5 hour course, categorized in 4 segments, done legally and lawfully with a 100% success rate guarantee. How? +You will be registering your land and claiming it back in absolute and undeniable truth. You must, however, operate in Truth and maintain righteous integrity. This is a complete lifestyle update, as this is how you will continue living life. What is needed? 1) Your willingness to complete your process all in truth, for ever. 2) Official Certificate of Live Birth also known as the "Long Form". Sometimes the Birth Certificate (although sometimes they are as one). 3) State Identification, or proof of Official Identification. 4) Sound of mind, 18 years of Age. 5) Affidavit of Affiant in Legal formatted paper (8.5"x 14"), notarized. 6) Land Title Registration with the Minnesota Secretary of State business filing. 7) Certificate Of Existence for your Land Title. This is the bare minimum to attain the Age of Majority and correct the status of your Juridical Person, and attain Sui Juris status. This is the starting point.

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200,00 US$

Diskuze skupiny

Tento program je připojen ke skupině. Jakmile se k programu připojíte, budete do skupiny přidáni.

Age of Majority

Veřejné2 členové


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