As per the legal requirement after registering your business in the state you are doing business in, here is an example of a real affidavit attained through the Tallahassee Democrat.
The legal requirements:
When starting a business in the state of Minnesota, if one intends to do business there, it states "individuals and businesses filing Assumed Name Certificates at the Secretary of State's office must advertise their intention to use a name in two consecutive issues of a legal newspaper."
When starting, and registering your business in the state of Florida, "The name you register must be advertised at least once in a newspaper that is located within the county where your principal place of business is located (Chapter 50, Florida Statutes). However, proof of advertisement is not required. "
Please review the active public notice via the link provided under this line:
Here below is the affidavit from the Tallahassee Democrat, here in the State of Florida:

This notice has been archived in Florida Public Notices domain.
Publication Date 2020-03-28 Subcategory Miscellaneous Notices
Legal Notice: To all parties seeking to make a claim, de jesus, robert junior is doing business as ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS and all derivatives thereof. Notice of fee schedule(s): Each and every use not authorized by de jesus, robert junior requires a $144,000.00 USD fine payable to: ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS within 7 days of notice and the fines must be settled in full. In order to authorize, contact must be made with the Name Holder for a contract to do so. Failure to timely notify the name holder, produces an agreement that the user's contract is invalid. Additionally, this notice is retroactive. All parties prior to this notice must contact the Name Holder within 180 days of this notice for an update to the contract. Be advised that this notice is applicable to the use of each and every account associated with ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS and all derivatives thereof. A written request must be, signed under penalty of perjury and sent to the Name Holder at Care of: 445 Conradi Street, Tallahassee, Florida near [32304-9998], all other deviations will be returned as invalid to sender. Contact for updates: Publication: March 27, 2020
**************** Notice of Fee Schedule update*************
Updated Fee Schedule:
Legal Notice: To all parties seeking to make a claim, de jesus, robert junior is doing business as ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS and all derivatives thereof. Notice of fee schedule(s): Each and every use not authorized by de jesus, robert junior requires a $1,444,000.00 USD fine payable to: ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS within 7 days of notice and the fines must be settled in full. In order to authorize, contact must be made with the Name Holder for a contract to do so. Failure to timely notify the Name Holder, produces an agreement that the user's contract is invalid. Additionally, this notice is retroactive. All parties prior to this notice Must contact the Name Holder within 180 days of this notice for an update to the contract. Be advised that this notice is applicable to the use of each and every account associated with ROBERT JUNIOR DE JESUS and all derivatives thereof. A written request must be, signed under penalty of perjury and sent to the Name Holder at Care of: 2800 S ADAMS ST, TALLAHASSEE, FL, 32301-9998 all other deviations will be returned as invalid to sender. Contact for updates: Publication: Jan. 8, 2022
Why is this extremely important?
This is how you protect your business in the game of commerce.
This affidavit IS your sword, and shield.
Below is the downloadable, scanned original affidavit from Tallahassee Democrat:
It is better to do a lower amount, such as $5,000.00 or $8,000.00, for it allows to you focus on small claims court.
Remember, in a game of commerce, this newspaper affidavit is your sword, and shield, as long as you remain in Truth, your sword and shield will always serve righteously.
Once you have power to operate your business, you will be able to control the sword and shield in commercial warfare.
The law does state that one's business registration is required in the state in which one is doing business in.
Accompanying the registration, is a newspaper affidavit in the area you are doing business in.
We must remember, we are correcting our status in the matrix. Our business.
This digital matrix (in principle) will surpass biological intelligence. It will always be a created thing, as a form less than the Creator. It all still exists in an ether.
As our thoughts, once it is "written" into the space, it will exist forever.
Spectacular Article! I will be sure to use you as the best example so far through your own site.